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How collaborator charges are calculated
Levente avatar
Written by Levente
Updated over a week ago

This article details how charges are calculated when a collaborator is added or removed.

Adding a collaborator

All of our paid plans are per-user based, which means that if you invite a collaborator(even if that user doesn't accept the invite and it remains a pending invite), you will be charged for an additional subscription. Here is how that charge is calculated.

  1. When you invite the collaborator, a new invoice is created for the new billing period(starting today) since now there is an additional collaborator for whom a subscription is needed.

  2. The billing date is reset to the current day.

  3. We calculate the credit amount for the unused time(remaining time) from your already-existing subscription.

  4. Any credit amount from the remaining unused time is debited from the new invoice.

  5. You are charged for the new invoice(if there is any amount due).

Here is an example:

  • Person 1 has a subscription, which is 30$/month. Person 1 adds Person 2 to their workspace 1 day after they started their subscription.

  • A new invoice is created for the subscription, which would be 60$, putting the amount Person 1 pays for the monthly subscription to 60$/month(since there are 2 people in the workspace).

  • The unused time is calculated from the original subscription. In this case, since the original subscription was only used for 1 day, the unused time is around 29 days(depending on the length of the month), which should be around 29$.

  • This 29$ is then subtracted from the 60$, putting the new invoice to 31$.

  • The new invoice for the 31$ amount is charged to Person 1.

  • In the following months, the charge will be 60$/month as this deduction is only when a collaborator is added.

Removing a collaborator

In some cases, a charge can be issued when a collaborator is removed. This part will explain how the charge is calculated.

  1. When you invite the collaborator, a new invoice is created for the new billing period(starting today) since now there is one less collaborator for whom a subscription is needed.

  2. The billing date is reset to the current day.

  3. We calculate the credit amount for the unused time(remaining time) from the subscription that was for the removed user.

  4. Any credit amount from the remaining unused time is debited from the new invoice.

  5. You are charged for the new invoice(if there is any amount due).

Here is an example:

  • Person 1 and Person 2 are part of the same workspace, which is upgraded to a plan for which they pay 2 x 30$/month = 60$/month.

  • Person 1 removes Person 2 from the workspace 1 day before the subscription is due to renew.

  • A new invoice is created for the subscription, which would be 30$, since with the removal of Person 2, Person 1 will only pay for themselves.

  • The unused time is calculated from the original subscription. In this case, since the original subscription was used for almost the full period(only 1 day remained before it was supposed to renew), the unused time is 2 x 1 day. Since there were 2 subscriptions and 1 day remained for both subscriptions, the credit amount should be around 2$.

  • This 2$ is then subtracted from the 30$, putting the new invoice to 28$.

  • The new invoice for the 28$ is charged to Person 1.

  • In the following months, the charge will be 30$/month as this deduction is only when the collaborator is removed.

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